I Timothy 1-2 Make all prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, for all men. Pray for kings and all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all Godliness and honesty.
Breakfast begins right at 7:30 am so come a little early. Be sure to register ahead of time for easy admission upon arrival. We are serving a substantial and scrumptious buffet of scrambled eggs, meat, breakfast potatoes, muffins, fruit, juice and coffee.
Our Program begins promptly at 8:00 am lasting approximately 40 minutes.
Families, ministries, churches and businesses are coming together as we unite to fellowship and pray. The very Heart of God will be expressed as we join together in worshipful music and prayer. A combination of church leaders, business people and citizens of Rochester have dedicated their time and efforts to Bless Mayor Ardell Brede and the beautiful city of Rochester.
We hope you will join with us as we call on the God of Heaven and Earth to rule and reign bringing His wisdom, protection, love, and blessing.
Where there are two or more gathered in the name of Jesus, there He is in the midst of them to carry out the petitions of our hearts. Matthew 18:20