Our Miracle Prayer Walk
(Miracles still Happen!)
starts in front of St. Mary’s Hospital on 2nd Street SW
3:00 pm - begin arriving at 2:30
Parking is free on Saturdays and the lots are open.
Several Churches and local Ministries will join in as we walk with MN Adult & Teen Challenge. Every year they have walked with us and this year we are doing a fundraiser for MNATC. Let’s all chip in and say thank you for their labor of Love.
Loving our Neighbors in a Parade of Prayers
We walk along 2nd Street SW from St. Mary’s to Ronald McDonald House, then The Gift of Life Transplant Houses, on to Pathway Halfway Houses, then down to Peace Plaza where we conclude with a Praise/Rejoicing Rally. At every Stop we Praise/Worship and Pray. And we are planning another Praise Dance in the Streets!! Yay! Glory!